Audit Company P. Constantinou & Co Ltd is located in the business center of Cyprus – Limassol. Our professionals offer a full range of services in all of the economical fields of business. Each client is provided with an individual approach and the creation of the best solutions for their business.

Аудиторская компания P. Constantinou & Co LTDThe high level of the reliability to the P. Constantinou & Co is proved by the fact that the company is a member of Enterprise Worldwide (EW), a global alliance of 110 firms in 40 countries. EW companies work together to serve their clients through collaboration and information sharing on the latest technical developments in local, national and international markets.

The company’s mission lies in the motivation and development of professional skills of the employees, creating an organizational culture based on shared responsibility, improving and promoting the formation of respect for the clients.

Our professionals realize that without a detailed knowledge of the clients the professional advice cannot be given. Also the company tries to give the clients more value than they expect whether measured which leads to long-term future cooperation.

Аудиторская компания P. Constantinou & Co LTD

Company P. Constantinou & Co. provides audit and accounting services: financial audits, internal audits, special purpose audits (special investigations and consultation, preparation of documents for internal procedures and processes in accordance with client needs and regulations, investigation of internal audit functions, etc.), accounting services (maintenance of proper books and records, invoicing services, preparation of monthly, quarterly, yearly accounts for management purposes, preparation of projected profit and loss account, preparation and submission VAT, VIES and Intrastate Returns).

Also company can provide to the clients the tax service: corporate tax services, including corporate tax consultancy, corporate strategic tax planning, tax returns and computations, tax opinions, tax rulings, tax certificates; individual tax services, including tax services for individuals, tax consultancy and planning, tax returns and computations, capital statements, tax certificates; value added tax services, including value added tax consultancy and planning, VAT returns and registration, intrastate returns and registration, VIES returns and registration; other tax services.

Аудиторская компания P. Constantinou & Co LTD

P. Constantinou & Co. advise and assist with the formation of Cyprus and offshore companies through their numerous contacts in both Cyprus and abroad.

P. Constantinou & Co LTD


40 Kimonos Street 3095, Limassol, Cyprus


Working hours

Monday – Friday: 08:30 — 18:00


Tel.: +357 25 361 000
Fax: +357 25 355 888
P.O. Box: 57186. 3313, Limassol Cyprus


Об авторе

Елена Братушка

Легкая влюбленность в Кипр наступила с первого посещения острова в 2011 году. В течение двух лет приезжала на 1-2 месяца летом и успела познакомиться со всеми прелестями «туристического бытия». За это время влюбленность смогла перерасти в глубокое чувство. С 2013 года постоянно живу на Кипре. Моя мечта – своим творчеством на страницах «Кипр Информ» донести до вас, уважаемые читатели, главную мысль: Кипр прекрасен в любое время года, располагает уникальными возможностями для отдыха людей с любыми интересами. Здесь прекрасны пляжи и активный отдых, отдых с детьми, экскурсионные и гурман-туры, здесь замечательное вино и прекрасная легкая атмосфера. Об этом каждая строчка моих статей!

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